Mojahedin in Iraq
April 09, 2003
Jasim al-Azzawi, the Abu Dhabi TV anchor and Executive Producer: But let me just add a piece of information in reference to what Christian [Amanpour] said regarding the Mujahedeen Khalq. This is about a 20,000 armed group. They are on the northern and eastern part of Iraq. They are supported by Saddam Hussein for almost 12 years. They have tanks, they have armored vehicles. They are men and women and they are secular. They are under the leadership of Masoud Rajavi. He is very, very charismatic and I think in the next phase, the United States might use them in one way or another to destabilize Iran. This is a very powerful card in the hands of the Americans which are going to run the Iraqi -- the Iraqi political aspect, at least…………
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